Accessibility and Accommodations

Open Up Your Course

Students with special needs often have more readily available resources when taking face-to-face courses, because these services have, fortunately, become more common on campus. In a remote or online environment, services are plentiful but may be difficult to find. You can help students who need these services better navigate this environment.

Student Accommodations

Canvas makes it possible and easy to provide ADA learning accommodations for students. These same features can also be used to give students more time to test for a variety of reasons.

Student Accommodations

Accessibility Tools

Computers and mobile devices have a number of accessibility features built in, but they must be activated to work. Some accessibility features, such as screenreaders and closed captioning, can also be helpful to students who are not experiencing loss of vision or hearing. So consider sharing these resources with the entire class as features that provide a variety of ways to access learning materials.

Accessibility Tools

Accessibility Course Design

Adding closed captioning to videos and alternative text to images for screenreaders are features built into Canvas. These same features are helpful for any student who may want to listen to an article read while driving to work or read the captions on a video, if the student is unable to turn up volume.

Accessibility Course Design

Making WebEx Meetings More Accessible

There are several features you can enable to make your meetings more accessible to everyone!