Starfish Syllabus Statement

Help spread the word about Starfish!

Your participation is critical to Starfish enhancing student engagement, retention and success at CBU. We believe it will also make connecting to students easier.

Here are three actions you can take to increase student awareness about Starfish:

  • Add this statement to your Syllabus:

    • "We care about your success at CBU! CBU Starfish is a college success and retention program. You can access Starfish through and are encouraged to go ahead and update your Student Profile if you have not already done so. Throughout the semester, you may receive emails to your CBU account regarding your course grades and academic performance. These emails are designed to be helpful and increase your success in courses. It is important that you check your CBU email account regularly and follow any advice we provide to you through Starfish. You can also log into Starfish directly to request advising support, referrals, and even make appointments with professors/advisors who have activated their Starfish scheduler."

  • Tell your students about Starfish during your first week of the term. We appreciate your efforts to help spread the word about Starfish!